
Clear resentment. Get commitment. Experience healthier relationships. 

Let’s face it. Defensiveness is poison in your relationship. We are all guilty of it. We either criticize or judge our partner, and/or we play the victim and wallow in self pity of how unfairly we are being treated. We feel attacked, used, judged, resentful, prideful, hopeless, defeated, anxious, frustrated…sound familiar? Well, I’m hear to tell you that if any of these exist in your relationship, that means you are playing a role in the dynamic. Good news is, as soon as you are aware of this, miraculous things can start to happen…

You are here because you want something to change in your life. I am here because there is nothing I love more than talking about relationships. Well, except maybe BEING in healthy relationships. Work with me to improve your relationship with yourself, partner, family, or friends. My APPROACH is a combination of support and challenge. I believe that YOU hold the key to getting what you want. I create a safe place for you to explore conflict which will help you get clarity. I’ll also help you learn specific communication tools to help you up level your relationships and feel more empowered. Ultimately you are the best authority on you, I’m just here to help you get back into your body and back into the driver seat of your life.

What You Will Get Out of Working With Me:

  • Be able to Identify triggers (in yourself and/or partner)

  • Learn how to manage defenses

  • Better Communication strategies

  • Clear resentment

  • Learn how to build a friendship

  • Manage relationship transitions with ease

  • More intimacy

  • Learn how to self soothe or co-regulate with your partner

  • Learn how to fight better

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